Justin B. Weaver, passed away at age 19, in June 2018, from an accidental overdose. A True Colors Trade 5K run to fund a $1,500 scholarship benefiting a Waterbury or Thomaston resident/student who seeks certification in a trades program.

Visit  justinbweaver.com for scholarship information and truecolorstraderun.racewire.com for race registration. The race will be held on May 18 with an 8 a.m. registration/check in and a 9 a.m. start. Walkers and runners are welcome. There will be participation medals and trophies in 6 age/gender categories. Sponsorships are available and donations will be accepted prior to the event.

Two scholarships awards are planned this year. One will be offered in the spring to a high school student of  2016 and above or a senior graduating this year. Justin passed shortly after the completion of one of his certification courses in April 2018. He was looking forward to his next class and had hopes of becoming certified in underwater welding. More information can be found on the website (link “Who is Justin”). There are few scholarships available for young people pursuing an education in the trades and this is designed to help those in our local area who are pursuing their dreams and a career in this field.