Local political leaders convened at the train station in downtown Waterbury this morning with DOT Commissioner James Redeker to celebrate the demolition of the abandoned SNET Building.

   “Today’s groundbreaking is the first tangible step in a total enhancement of the Waterbury train station, a project that has been underway for a number of years,” State Senator Joan Hartley said. “Upon its completion, Waterbury riders will have a safe and secure parking area, and with the completion of Phase 2, a secure area in which to stop to get amenities for their trip.”

   The project will be managed by the Waterbury Development Corporation and funded with state bonding. Once the building is demolished the site will be leveled with the adjacent rail parking area. Starting in the fall, the site will be redeveloped into a landscaped parking area adding an additional 50 parking spaces. Renovations will be done to the baggage area within the Waterbury Republican American newspaper building which will create restrooms and additional ridership amenities.