Habitat for Humanity of Greater Waterbury (HFHGW) is pleased to welcome Mark Uliasz as Executive Director. Mark recently retired as Director of Supply Chain at UST of Greenwich, and previously volunteered on the Board of Directors.  In announcing the appointment, Kate Clarke, President of the Board of Directors, said “We are excited to welcome Mark in his new role and we look forward to his leadership as we continue our mission of bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope.” Pictured with Mark are the following newly appointed members of the Board of Directors: Courtney Ligi (Waterbury Chamber of Commerce); Isa Squicciarini (Carmody & Torrance), Mark Uliasz,  John Papp (owner Bella Casa Verde, LLC), Stephanie Cummings (Bendett and McHugh, and Waterbury Alderwoman-elect), and Allan Monteiro (Ion Bank).  Currently, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Waterbury is commencing a home build for the Spring of 2014 on the west side of Waterbury. To learn more about Habitat for Humanity of Greater Waterbury, and donate to the upcoming home build, see our website: www.waterburyhabitat.org.