The nearly six hundred members of Mayor O’Leary’s Snow Brigade busted their humps today clearing snow from the following schools; Tinker, Gilmartin, Kingsbury, Walsh, Duggan, Maloney, Chase, Reed, Wilson, Wilby, Crosby, Kennedy, Bucks Hill and WAMS. It wasn’t all work, however, as kids being kids, they managed to have a few chuckles along the way.

   In this picture Anthony Romero, 16, gives a big smile after being blasted by a shovel of snow from his buddy, Anthony Del Valle. Romero and Del Valle were joined at Reed School by their friend Jonathan Castellar, and they called themselves “The Three Musketeers.”

   Thank you Musketeers for working hard, being enthusiastic, and reminding Waterbury that work can be fun.

Members of the Snow Brigade energetically cleared the sidewalks around Jonathan Reed School in North End of the city this morning. Nearly 600 area youth responded to Mayor O’Leary’s offer to pay minimum wage to dig out the schools buried beneath two and three feet of snow. In addition to learning a huge lesson in civic responsibility, the kids were paid at the end of the shift today. What’s better than that?