Learn how to start your own garden —  Saturday, February 18th from 10a.m. – Noon; Free seeds, seedling mix and seed containers will be provided by the non-profit group Brass City Harvest at their Crownbrook Greenhouse at 73 Hill Street in Waterbury.

All area residents are invited to learn how to start their own vegetable plants this winter in containers on their porch, in their kitchen window, or adopt one of the vegetable beds at the Brass City Harvest Greenhouse. Brass City Harvest’s Master Gardener and volunteer gardeners will assist participants with all planting materials, seeds and hands-on instruction in starting their own vegetable garden beds to grow their own food. 

The workshop is free to public. Pre-registration requested by contacting Sue Pronovost at 203.596.3484, or susan.pronovost@snet.net. For information on Brass City Harvest’s services, visit www.brasscityharvestwtby.org.